Cleartrip provides all the travelers with Cleartrip offers and Cleartrip deals that are given to them from the Paylesser website. These offers and deals will help the travelers in booking at very reasonable rates. Some deals that are available at the Paylesser website for travelers are listed below. Are you looking for next getaway bookings? Use Cleartrip for booking your next holiday. Make the bookings on and on your bookings here you can get up to 30% discount on your flight’s bookings and hotel bookings around the world. This discount is applicable to using your Platinum Mastercard. You can visit the oceanfront luxury in Maldives or a picturesque landscape in Turkey or any other destination that you want. To find the destination that is perfect for you and come to the world travel with Book now! If you enter given Cleartrip Coupon code, you can get up to 20% off on your h...